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Doctor Who Short Trips: Destination Prague


Prague has its demons — a city saved from the ravages of war and the Third Reich because of its beauty, it is home to Rabi Loew's Golem, Rudolph II's obsession with finding the elixir of youth, scientific genius in the form of Kepler and Tycho Brahe, and the alchemical obsessions of Magister Kelly.

It is believed that there are magnetic energies whose lines intersect in Prague at several spots. Astronomy, astrology, numerology and magnetic forces have all played a role in building the city — but how will they influence its future?

This is the city rich in history, and full of potential — how will it adapt over the centuries to come? Will it have a glamorous rebirth or wallow in a dystopic nightmare? And what will be the role of the old superstitions in the new world?

For the Doctor and his companions, the answers to these questions are only just the start of further mysteries...

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Stories in this Collectable

Big Finish Short Trips

Midnight in the Café of the Black Madonna

Rating: 3.55

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Room for Improvement

Rating: 2.57

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Life from Lifelessness

Rating: ???

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The Long Step Backward

Rating: ???

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Strange Attractor

Rating: ???

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Gold and Black Ooze

Rating: ???

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The Dogs of War

Rating: ???

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Sunday Afternoon, AD 848,988

Rating: ???

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Rating: ???

Big Finish Short Trips


Rating: ???

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War in a Time of Peace

Rating: ???

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The End of Now

Rating: ???

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Suspension and Disbelief

Rating: ???

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Leap Second

Rating: ???

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Lady of the Snows

Rating: ???

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The Time Eater

Rating: ???

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Fable Fusion

Rating: ???

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Men of the Earth

Rating: ???

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Across Silent Seas

Rating: ???

Big Finish Short Trips

The Dragons of Prague

Rating: ???

Big Finish Short Trips


Rating: ???

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