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Doctor Who Magazine 552


THE FIRST DOCTOR’S GREATEST ADVENTURES – CHOSEN BY THE READERS OF DWM! Thirty-two First Doctor stories battled for the top spot in our epic Twitter contest. Which is the fans’ favourite? Issue 552 also includes:

Series 11 writers Pete McTighe, Vinay Patel and Joy Wilkinson interview each other. Mark Gatiss answers questions from the TARDIS tin. Time and Space Visualiser presents a rare William Hartnell interview, conducted during rehearsals for The Sensorites in 1964. 50 brilliant things about Doctor Who – not including Doctor Who! A tribute to Doctor Who writer Pip Baker. A previously unpublished interview with Pip and Jane Baker. The Fact of Fiction explores Parts Nine to Twelve of 1986’s The Trial of a Time Lord. More of DWM’s recommended lockdown viewing, with a guide to stories available on DVD and streaming services. A look at Race Against Time, a game book in the 1986 Make Your Own Adventure with Doctor Who series. A review of The Maze of Doom, the latest Doctor Who book by David Solomons. The final part of The Piggybackers, a new comic-strip adventure featuring the Thirteenth Doctor and her friends. Big Finish previews and reviews, news, prize-winning competitions, The Blogs of Doom and much more!

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The Piggybackers

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The Blogs of Doom


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