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Doctor Who Magazine 548

Doctor Who Magazine 548

The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine has an exclusive, in-depth interview with Sacha Dhawan. Other highlights include:

A choice of collectable covers, one featuring Sacha Dhawan and one featuring Jodie Whittaker.
Exclusive previews of the final four episodes of Series 12.
The latest Production Notes from showrunner Chris Chibnall.
A report from the filming of Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror at the Nu Boyana Film Studios in Bulgaria.
An exclusive interview with Robert Glenister, who played Thomas Edison in Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror.
A tribute to the 1960s writer and story editor Donald Tosh.
Peter Purves shares his memories of Donald Tosh.
The director of Doctor Who and the Silurians, Timothy Combe, looks back on its production.
Remembering the late Doctor Who comic-strip artist Bill Mevin.
Updates on Doctor Who luminaries, past and present, with new feature Time and Space Visualiser.
Public Image looks at how Doctor Who is doing in the TV ratings.
The Fact of Fiction continues its epic exploration of The Daleks’ Master Plan.
The final part of Mistress of Chaos, a new comic-strip adventure featuring the Thirteenth Doctor and her friends.
Reviews of the Series 5 Blu-ray Steelbook and Sophie Aldred’s novel At Childhood’s End.
Big Finish previews and reviews, news, prize-winning competitions, The Blogs of Doom and much more!

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