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Doctor Who Magazine 505


BACK TO LIFE? JOHN BARROWMAN REVEALS HIS PLANS TO RESURRECT CAPTAIN JACK IN DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE 505! As Doctor Who's first ongoing spin-off series celebrates its 10th anniversary, John Barrowman talks Torchwood...

Following John's comment at this year's San Diego Comic-Con that he was “working very hard” to return Torchwood to our TV screens", DWM asks John what that was all about...

“Every production company I go into, I’m not kidding, they say, ‘Is there any way we could get Torchwood back up and running?’” says John. “I’ve heard this so many times that I thought, ‘I’m going to find out if we can do it.’

“I started planting seeds, dropping a few hints,” John continues, “and it did exactly what I wanted it to: it blew up and everyone was like, ‘Oh my God, Barrowman wants to bring back Torchwood!’ Which, I’ve got to be honest with you, I really do. Because I travel around the world, I go to all these conventions, I see all these people – and I speak to all these production companies – who are desperate for it to come back.”


ASK STEVENShowrunner Steven Moffat answers readers' questions, and reveals that the Doctor's favourite alcoholic drink is lemonade. THE POWER OF THE DALEKSA first look at the brand-new animation of the lost Second Doctor classic adventure The Power of the Daleks. CLASS PREVIEWDWM asks writer Patrick Ness to reveal what he's got in store for us in new Doctor Who spin-off, Class. THE ART OF THE DIRECTORDWM celebrates a century of Doctor Who directors by tracking down four of the class of 2015 and interrogating them – in Part One of this in-depth feature. BLOODSPORTPart One of a brand new comic strip adventure, written by Mark Wright and illustrated by Staz Johnson. TIME TEAMThe Time Team stock up on pizza, booze and telly for this month's episode, The Lodger. THE SAVAGESThe TARDIS lands on a planet which offers ‘a golden age of peace and prosperity’... But this apparent utopia comes at a terrible price, as this issue's Fact of Fiction features 1966's The Savages. COMING SOONPreviews of all the latest Doctor Who CD and book releases. PLUS! All the latest official news, reviews, competitions, and The DWM Crossword!

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