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Doctor Who Magazine 456


The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine takes readers on an exclusive tour of the new TARDIS interior, and speaks to production designer Michael Pickwoad about his inspiration for the Doctor's home's makeover ...

There was a lot of going forward, and a lot of harking back. You want to take the best of everything that’s ever happened...

Also in this issue:

Questions that must never be answered...? Doctor Who's showrunner and head writer Steven Moffat provides cool answers to burning questions from DWM readers in his new regular column. Direct Action: he's directed dinosaurs on a spaceship, cyborgs in the Wild West and snowmen in Victorian London! DWM interviews Saul Metzstein about his work, and discovers behind-the-scenes secrets from Doctor Who... The Year of The Doctor: 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who – and there will be plenty of ways to celebrate! DWM reveals what's planned in the worlds of Doctor Who books, audios, screenings and much, much more... Revolutionary Animation: the First Doctor adventure The Reign of Terror is released on DVD this month, with brand new animation to bridge the gap left by its two missing episodes. DWM investigates how this remarkable reconstruction was achieved, with exclusive notes and images from the team that created it. The Holiday from Hell: DWM turns the clock back to 1980, and looks at a Fourth Doctor story which featured reptilian criminals, cutting-edge science and a brand new look for Doctor Who. Prepare to be amazed as The Fact of Fiction enters The Leisure Hive An Ace Year: it was the year that saw Haemovores and Husks, the Brigadier and the Master and the Doctor become Merlin... and it would be the last regular series of Doctor Who for nearly 16 years! DWM takes a nostalgic look at the Seventh Doctor's final TV adventures as Countdown to 50 continues with a look at 1989. Sarah Jane Investigates: The Time Team takes a sideways step to look at The Sarah Jane Adventures, the popular CBBC spin-off from Doctor Who starring Elisabeth Sladen as the investigative journalist on the look out for extra-terrestrials. Comic Strip: The Doctor is on the trail of stolen goods – and gets the shock of his life! – in Hunters of the Burning Stone, the brand new comic strip by Scott Gray, and illustrated by Martin Geraghty. Relative Dimensions: Doctor Who is now being enjoyed by a whole new generation. But how will their experience as fans differ from their parents? Doctor Who author and dedicated mother of two Jacqueline Rayner finds out... Wotcha! The enigmatic Watcher recalls the golden years of Radio Times listings, challenges readers with The Six Faces of Delusion and champions another Supporting Artist of the Month in Wotcha! PLUS! All the latest official news, the latest DVDs, books and CDs reviewed, a prize-winning crossword and competitions and much, much more!

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Doctor Who Magazine Comics

Hunters of the Burning Stone

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