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Doctor Who Magazine 438



IN DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE 438! Doctor Who is back on TV for a brand new series! DWM catches up with its stars, Matt Smith (the Doctor) and Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) and asks, what do they think about the controversial title of the first episode, Let’s Kill Hitler?

Matt cracks up. “It’s Steven [Moffat, writer of Let’s Kill Hitler& being brilliant and mischievous. Also, it’s a direct reference to a line in the episode…”

“Pretty intense laughter from me, too,” confirms Karen Gillan, who plays Amy Pond, “when Steven told us. It’s just the best title ever… We were, like, ‘Amazing.’ I just love it, because it sounds a little bit controversial. But the subject matter is tackled really well in the episode...”

“Hitler was through and through, appallingly, disgustingly evil,” points out Steven Moffat. “Hitler would be deeply pissed off to know that we treated him as a minor comic character in an episode of Doctor Who. But actually the Hitler story is a bit of a red herring. It’s actually a blatant continuation of A Good Man Goes to War...”


THINGS TO COMEDWM previews the first four stories of the season – LET’S KILL HITLER, NIGHT TERRORS, THE GIRL WHO WAITED and THE GOD COMPLEX – and talks to stars MATT SMITH, KAREN GILLAN and ALEX KINGSTON (River Song) as well as all the writers: STEVEN MOFFAT, MARK GATISS, TOM MacRAE and TOBY WHITHOUSE. With never-before-seen photographs and candid insights into each episode, prepare to have your appetite well and truly whetted!

TOUGH CROWD Doctor Who’s showrunner STEVEN MOFFAT faces his toughest crowd, in what his wife describes as ‘the best interview he’s ever given’, in PRODUCTION NOTES.

HERR TODAY Actor ALBERT WELLING is interrogated by DWM about his role in Doctor Who as the (second) greatest war criminal in history – Adolf Hitler.

LOOK, WHO’S TALKING?DWM tries to get a word in edgeways as MATT SMITH and the guest star in The God Complex, DAVID WALLIAMS, interview each other!

MIRACLE WORKERS Writer JANE ESPENSON, TOM PRICE (Sgt Andy Davidson) and BILL PULLMAN (convicted killer Oswald Danes) talk exclusively to DWM about their role in the spectacular new spin-off from Doctor Who, TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY.

PERFECT DAY The classic 1972 story Day of the Daleks just got better! DWM finds out how a Special Edition of this classic 1972 Third Doctor story was created for its much-anticipated DVD release, and talks to the men responsible: producer STEVE BROSTER, audio expert MARK AYRES and the voice of the Daleks, NICHOLAS BRIGGS.

MONSTER INVASIONDWM takes a nostalgic look back at the 1972 season of Doctor Who – a series that saw the Third Doctor face the Sea Devils, the Ice Warriors and the dreaded Daleks – as our COUNTDOWN TO 50 continues.

A NEW DIRECTION The Doctor is dead, the world is in turmoil and only Donna Noble can save the Earth! THE FACT OF FICTION looks back to the acclaimed 2008 adventure TURN LEFT and uncovers the many secrets hidden within the story.

TWEET, TWEET! Want to know what the Sixth Doctor is doing right now? Or fancy reading what the writers of Doctor Whoare thinking about today? Then you need Twitter! DWM proudly presents an invaluable guide to theDoctor Who people you should follow in 2011.

KIDS THESE DAYS… It’s been the subject of much heated debate: have fans today never had it so good? Or were things more fun in the ‘good old days’, before Doctor Who became so easily accessible? JOHNNY CANDON and TOBY HADOKE argue the pros and cons of the case in A BATTLE OF WITS!

MUM’S THE WORD It was Steven Moffat’s first script for Doctor Who, and introduced the character of Captain Jack Harkness. But what will THE TIME TEAM make of the 2005 Ninth Doctor and Rose adventure, THE EMPTY CHILD/THE DOCTOR DANCES…?

THE IMPOSSIBLE CHRONONAUT The Doctor and Amy pursue the impossible girl, Chiyoko, through time and space – and get a nasty surprise when then catch up with her – in the first part of a brand new comic strip adventure, THE CHILD OF TIME, by JONATHAN MORRIS with art by MARTIN GERAGHTY.

WHO’S ROUND? The mysterious Watcher discusses the Doctor’s drinking, challenges readers with the Six Faces of Delusion and celebrates another unsung hero from the supporting cast in WOTCHA!

PLUS! All the latest official news, TV and merchandise reviews, previews, competitions, a prize-winning crossword and much, much more!

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