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Doctor Who Magazine 428


This month’s Doctor Who Magazine is a soap-tastic special edition featuring your favourite stars from the worlds of both Doctor Who and soaps!

Among the Doctor Who luminaries DWM chats to is former producer PHIL COLLINSON, now in charge at Coronation Street. But which one does Phil prefer...?

“Oh, blimey!” says Phil. “I love both of them, although they sort of share the same place in my memories. Both you can sit and watch with the whole family. I remember watching Corrie with my grandmother when I was a little boy. It was the sort of thing everybody had a view on and talked about. In the same way they did with Doctor Who. Although with Corrie, characters like Ena Sharples and Elsie Tanner were almost friends of my grandmother. My mum and she would talk about them as if they were real – what Elsie’s been up to and ‘what about that husband?’ Somehow they were tangible. And I suppose that’s been the main difference between the two shows. Doctor Who’s a fairytale about a world you’d like to disappear to, and Coronation Street is the world you’re in.”

Also this Issue:


DWM talks exclusively to even more actors who have appeared in both soaps and Doctor Who, including:

LOUISE JAMESON, who played the Fourth Doctor’s assistant Leela, remembers her time in both Doctor Who and EastEnders!The legendary Dot Cotton, actress JUNE BROWN, on facing Irongron in The Time Warrior!Rovers Return regular, actress HELEN WORTH, on playing against Pertwee in Colony in Space!Walford’s Patrick, actor RUDOLPH WALKER on filming The War Games!Corrie’s Vernon Tomlin, actor IAN REDDINGTON, on clowning around in The Greatest Show in the Galaxy!Albert Square’s Zainab Masood, actress NINA WADIA on being the doctor in The Eleventh Hour!EastEnders’ Heather, actress CHERYL FERGISON, on being blitzed in The Empty Child!Emmerdale stalwart FRAZER HINES on playing 60s companion Jamie McCrimmon!THE GREATEST SOAP IN THE GALAXY! Is Doctor Who not only the best sci-fi show ever made, but also the best soap opera ever? Is EastEnders shown on TV in the Doctor Who universe – or is it vice versa? And is Corrie’s Ken Barlow really the Doctor?! Find out the answers to these, and many more intriguing questions, as DWM looks at Doctor Who’s relationship with the soaps from the 1960s right up the present day, and talks exclusively to Doctor Who writers MARK GATISS, GARETH ROBERTS and RUPERT LAIGHT!

EASTENDERS! An adventure featuring the first seven Doctors and a menagerie of monsters... set in EastEnders‚ Albert Square?! It can only be the most bizarre, unpredictable and utterly bonkers Doctor Who story ever – DIMENSIONS IN TIME! The Fact of Fiction digs deep to uncover all the fascinating secrets behind this, the oddest of adventures!

HOME AND AWAY! While Doctor Who’s executive producer Piers Wenger stays Broadcasting House, his fellow execs are away at a top secret meeting with one of the writers of the next series. Find out who that is – and get some tantalising clues as to what lies ahead for the Doctor, Rory and Amy in 2011 – as we eavesdrop on STEVEN MOFFAT’S PRODUCTION NOTES!

HORROR – ASIAN STREETS! The terrifying Axons have conquered the streets of Tokyo – and the Doctor, Amy and UNIT are Earth’s last hope against the invading menace! But the price of victory could be very high indeed... Find out what happens in the concluding part of the brand new comic strip, THE GOLDEN ONES, by Jonathan Morris and Martin Geraghty!

AND THE WINNER IS... At last! The much-anticipated results of the 2010 DWM Awards are revealed. Who was voted best actor? Which monster was better than all the rest? And what’s the story that topped the poll? Find out these results and many more – and discover what the award winners themselves have to say about their triumphs!

PLUS! All the latest official news; the latest DVDs, CDs and books are previewed; comprehensive merchandise reviews; prize-winning competitions; and much, much more...


Issue came in a printed plastic bag to hold the free poster and TV guide inspired cover

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