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Doctor Who Magazine 363

Doctor Who Magazine 363


fanta'stic: Christopher Eccleston promised us “the trip of a lifetime” and that's exactly what he gave us. Benjamin Cook reports from the set on Chris' last day, as we pay tribute to the Ninth Doctor...

Comic Strip – A Groatsworth of Wit (Part 1 of 2) : The Ninth Doctor begins his final story, as he and Rose visit Soho and meet a man out of time...

2005 Season Survey – The Results: Time's up! Your votes have been counted, re-counted and checked by a massive bank of whirring computers. And now, at long last, we can reveal what were your favourite bits of the 2005 series of Doctor Who. Tom Spilsbury asks for a drumroll – and quiet at the back please...

Under the Tree: Find out what gifts Santa might be leaving under your Christmas tree next month in our festive Off the Shelf special.

The Fact of Fiction – The Unquiet Dead: Our Ninth Doctor tribute continues with a trip back to Cardiff 1869...

Preview – Series One DVD Box Set: We preview the goodies stuffed inside the new Complete First Series box set...

Regulars: Gallifrey Guardian, Matrix Data Bank, DWMail, The Time Team – The Androids of Tara and The Power of Kroll, Further Adventures, Off the Shelf, Production Notes with Steven Moffat

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