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Doctor Who Magazine 359

Doctor Who Magazine 359


Interview – David Tennant: The TARDIS has a new Tennant... and DWM has the first interview with him! Tenth Doctor David Tennant tells us about winning his dream role, donning that famous leather jacket and being compared unfavourably to a weasel. The cheek!

Comic Strip – The Cruel Sea (Part 1 of 4): The start of a new four-part adventure for the Ninth Doctor and Rose, from the pen of Dalek author Robert Shearman. Part One: All is not well on the red seas of Mars, which is a shame given that the Doctor fancies a holiday...

Interview – Russell T Davies (Part 1 of 2): Can you believe that it's been almost two years since Russell T Davies became Doctor Who's new executive producer? Since then he's overseen 13 new episodes (eight of which he wrote himself), been instrumental in casting two new Doctors, and is about to start work on another 28 adventures in time and space! Benjamin Cook asked Russell just when he finds to sleep...

Look Wright: As costume designer on Doctor Who, Lucinda Wright has been responsible for the look of the Ninth Doctor and Rose, recreating the styles of the 1940s and the 1980s, and forecasting the fashions of the year five billion. Benjamin Cook asks her where all this imagination comes from...

The Fact of Fiction – Revelation of the Daleks: We take an in-depth look at the classic 1985 serial – out on DVD this month.

Regulars: Gallifrey Guardian, DWMail, Next Issue, After Image, Further Adventures, Off the Shelf, Production Notes with Russell T Davies.

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