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Doctor Who Magazine 356

Doctor Who Magazine 356


Heggessey's Legacy: As Lorraine Heggessey, the outgoing controller of BBC One, bids adieu to the Corporation, she grants Benjamin Cook an exclusive interview about how she saved Doctor Who from the scrap heap. “Eventually, I just lost my patience!” she explains...

Face the Music: Benjamin Cook travels to the year five billion to watch The End of the World. And he gets there by taxi, too...

The Diary of a Dalek (Part 1): On the day his childhood dream came true, Dalek voice artist Nick Briggs started writing a diary. The actual document is massively bigger on the inside than DWM, so using a Dalek mind probe, we've extracted the following abridged entries from Nick's Dalek-addled brain...

Comic Strip – The Love Invasion (Part 2): The Doctor and Rose continue their investigations into the sinister Lend-a-Hand agency – but who can be trusted?

New Series Preview: Episode 6 – Dalek

Under My Skin!: Victory should be naked! Benjamin Cook strips off at Downing Street, where he meets Aliens of London's trio of villains – Rupert Vansittart, David Verrey and Annette Badland, monster-maker Rob Mayor and the poor suffering suited Slitheen...

New Series Preview: Episode 7 – The Long Game

Interview – Bruno Langley: About Adam – As gay teenager Todd Grimshaw in Coronation Street, Bruno Langley certainly set a few hearts a-flutter. But Bruno switches Weatherfield for outer space this month, as he makes his Doctor Who début as Adam Mitchell. Benjamin Cook met up with Bruno to find out what's written in the stars for him...

New Series Preview: Episode 8 – Father's Day

New Series Preview: Episode 9 & 10 – The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances

Regulars: Gallifrey Guardian, DWMail, After Image – The End of the World, Off the Shelf, Production Notes by Russell T Davies.

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