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Doctor Who Magazine 251



Question Marks (Part 1 of 2): In the first of a two-part feature, Philip MacDonald puts the ever-enigmatic Doctor in the psychiatrist's chair – and probes the furthest reaches of our hero's inner self...

Comic Strip – Fire and Brimstone: The satelloid Icarus falling, 97 audited precessions after the breakout...

Roots (Part 3 of ) - Kane and Able: In the mid-seventies, as its frames of reference grew ever wider, Doctor Who began to feed on its own myth. Stephen Cartwright continues his exhaustive survey of the series' many influences...

We'll Always Have Paris: Co-ordinating Doctor Who's first ever overseas location shoot proved tricksome enough – but it was star Tom Baker who nearly drove the series' producer in Seine. In the final part of this series of interviews, Philip Newman listens in as Graham Williams goes a la recherche du temps perdu...

The Life and Times of Jackie Jenkins: Thursday 20 March, Friday 21 March, Saturday 22 March, Monday 24 March.

The Telesnap Archive – The Macra Terror, Episode 1: During the Seventies, many episode of Doctor Who held in the BBC archive – mainly from the early years of the programme – were destroyed by the Corporation, and have been lost forever. Fortunately, at the time of broadcast, a number of the producers and directors of these serials employed freelance photographer, John Cura to obtain a series of off-screen photographs of their episode. These photographs – known as 'telesnaps' – now form the only visual record of some of the Doctor's greatest adventures...

The DWM Archive – The Romans: Played deliberately for laughs, 1964's The Romans remains Doctor Who's sole excursion into the realm of out-and-out farce. Andrew Pixley looks back at the production of this four-part First Doctor mock-historical epic...

Shelf Life: Oh No It Isn't! by Paul Cornell and So Vile a Sin by Ben Aaronovitch.

Interview with Elisabeth Sladen (Part 2 of ) Space Girl: Sometimes posh, sometimes childlike, sometimes sporty, rarely ginger and often scared... the many faces of Sarah Jane Smith put her among the most popular companions of them all. In the second part of this feature, actress Elisabeth Sladen turns her attention to Sarah's latter-day appearances – including those made on air, but off-screen. Chris Howarth and Steve Lyons discover why radio thrilled the video star...

Regulars: Gallifrey Guardian, Timelines, Next Issue.

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Fire and Brimstone

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