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The War Master

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Doctor Who S3 • Episode 11


Average. Rating: 83%

The War Master 1

1. Beneath the Viscoid

Average. Rating: 73%

The War Master 1

2. The Good Master

Average. Rating: 68%

The War Master 1

3. The Sky Man

Average. Rating: 87%

The War Master 1

4. The Heavenly Paradigm

Average. Rating: 82%

Gallifrey: Time War 1

3. The Devil You Know

Average. Rating: 77%

UNIT: Cyber-Reality

4. Master of Worlds

Average. Rating: 66%

The War Master 2

1. Call for the Dead

Average. Rating: 74%

The War Master 2

2. The Glittering Prize

Average. Rating: 71%

The War Master 2

3. The Persistence of Dreams

Average. Rating: 68%

The War Master 2

4. Sins of the Father

Average. Rating: 79%

The Diary of River Song 5

4. Concealed Weapon

Average. Rating: 62%

The War Master 3

1. The Survivor

Average. Rating: 66%

The War Master 3

2. The Coney Island Chameleon

Average. Rating: 56%

The War Master 3

3. The Missing Link

Average. Rating: 68%

The War Master 3

4. Darkness and Light

Average. Rating: 70%

Ravenous 4

3. Day of the Master – Part 1

Average. Rating: 82%

Ravenous 4

4. Day of the Master – Part 2

Average. Rating: 84%

The War Master 4

1. From the Flames

Average. Rating: 68%

The War Master 4

2. The Master’s Dalek Plan

Average. Rating: 73%

The War Master 4

3. Shockwave

Average. Rating: 73%

The War Master 4

4. He Who Wins

Average. Rating: 77%

The War Master 5

1. The Edge of Redemption

Average. Rating: 69%

The War Master 5

2. The Scaramancer

Average. Rating: 66%

The War Master 5

3. The Castle of Kurnos 5

Average. Rating: 71%

The War Master 5

4. The Cognition Shift

Average. Rating: 75%


1. Masterful

Average. Rating: 78%

The War Master 6

1. The Sincerest Form of Flattery

Average. Rating: 72%

The War Master 6

2. A Quiet Night In

Average. Rating: 82%

The War Master 6

3. The Orphan

Average. Rating: 76%