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Doctor Who S8 • Episode 1

Deep Breath

Average. Rating: 73%
Average rating: ★ 3.82
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Doctor Who S8 • Episode 2

Into the Dalek

Average. Rating: 64%
Average rating: ★ 3.39
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Doctor Who S8 • Episode 6

The Caretaker

Average. Rating: 58%
Average rating: ★ 3.10
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Doctor Who S8 • Episode 9


Average. Rating: 77%
Average rating: ★ 4.01
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Doctor Who S8 • Episode 11

Dark Water

Average. Rating: 78%
Average rating: ★ 4.07
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Doctor Who S8 • Episode 12

Death in Heaven

Average. Rating: 71%
Average rating: ★ 3.74
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Doctor Who S9 • Episode 1

The Magician’s Apprentice

Average. Rating: 70%
Average rating: ★ 3.72
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Doctor Who S9 • Episode 2

The Witch’s Familiar

Average. Rating: 72%
Average rating: ★ 3.80
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Video Games

LEGO Dimensions

Average. Rating: 64%
Average rating: ★ 3.99
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Dr. Men

Dr. Twelfth

Average. Rating: 79%
Average rating: ★ 4.15
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Doctor Who S10 • Episode 6


Average. Rating: 76%
Average rating: ★ 3.97
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Doctor Who S10 • Episode 8

The Lie of the Land

Average. Rating: 59%
Average rating: ★ 3.16
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Doctor Who S10 • Episode 9

Empress of Mars

Average. Rating: 59%
Average rating: ★ 3.17
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Doctor Who S10 • Episode 10

The Eaters of Light

Average. Rating: 60%
Average rating: ★ 3.20
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Doctor Who S10 • Episode 11

World Enough and Time

Average. Rating: 91%
Average rating: ★ 4.65
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BBC Books

The Unwanted Gift of Prophecy

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Doctor Who S10 • Episode 12

The Doctor Falls

Average. Rating: 90%
Average rating: ★ 4.61
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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor

The Great Shopping Bill

Average. Rating: 62%
Average rating: ★ 3.59
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The Blogs of Doom

1. Jorj

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor

A Confusion of Angels

Average. Rating: 65%
Average rating: ★ 3.77
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Adventure Calendar

Doctor Who and The Horror of Coal Hill

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BBC Books


The Missy Chronicles
Average. Rating: 60%
Average rating: ★ 3.94
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BBC Books

Lords and Masters

The Missy Chronicles
Average. Rating: 50%
Average rating: ★ 3.57
Complete Completed?

BBC Books

Teddy Sparkles Must Die!

The Missy Chronicles
Average. Rating: 45%
Average rating: ★ 3.29
Complete Completed?