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Bernice Summerfield: Epoch

2. The Temple of Questions

Average. Rating: 63%

Bernice Summerfield: Epoch

3. Private Enemy No. 1

Average. Rating: 60%

Bernice Summerfield: Epoch

4. Judgement Day

Average. Rating: 63%

Bernice Summerfield: Road Trip

1. Brand Management

Average. Rating: 59%

Bernice Summerfield: Road Trip

2. Bad Habits

Average. Rating: 65%

Bernice Summerfield: Road Trip

3. Paradise Frost

Average. Rating: 61%

Bernice Summerfield: Legion

1. Vesuvius Falling

Average. Rating: 64%

Bernice Summerfield: Legion

2. Shades of Gray

Average. Rating: 59%

Bernice Summerfield: Legion

3. Everybody Loves Irving

Average. Rating: 64%

Bernice Summerfield

Many Happy Returns

Average. Rating: 71%

Bernice Summerfield: New Frontiers

1. A Handful of Dust

Average. Rating: 55%

Bernice Summerfield: New Frontiers

3. The Curse of Fenman

Average. Rating: 63%

Bernice Summerfield: Missing Persons

1. Big Dig

Average. Rating: 63%

Bernice Summerfield: Missing Persons

5. In Living Memory

Average. Rating: 64%

BBC Books

Big Bang Generation

Average. Rating: 61%

Bernice Summerfield: The Story So Far Volume 2

5. Empress of the Drahvins

Average. Rating: 46%

Bernice Summerfield: In Time

5. Wurm Noir

Bernice Summerfield

The Weather on Versimmon

Average. Rating: 44%

Bernice Summerfield

The Slender-Fingered Cats of Bubastis

Average. Rating: 58%