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July Updates to

July has been a big month for, as I keep adding new content and features, getting ready for the big launch… Content Updates I completed adding all of Torchwood, and all of the Big Finish Monthly Range to the site. That was a big task, it feels good to have that in the backContinue reading “July Updates to”

New features – Transcripts and Quotes!

Every TV episode now has a full transcript, so you can see who said what, and when. And I’ve added in some of my favourite quotes, which can currently be seen by looking at the story page, but I’ll soon be adding a way to view quotes by character, and a “quote of the day”Continue reading “New features – Transcripts and Quotes!” will be connected to the Fediverse!

I’ve got it working, will be connected to the Fediverse, meaning that when you complete, rate, and favourite stories, add them to your “save for later” list, and earn achievements, it will be posted to Mastodon! Then you can boost (or soon, quote-boost) the post to your followers and they will be able toContinue reading “ will be connected to the Fediverse!”

Sneak Preview

Here’s a sneak preview of a feature coming soon to the website – login, mark stories as ‘completed’, save your favourites and rate the stories! It will feature all the TV episodes as well as books and audio dramas. A place to keep a log of all the Doctor Who stories you have enjoyed.Continue reading “Sneak Preview”