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December updates to TARDIS Guide

December was a bit of a quiet one for updates on the site, as I am nearing being happy with the site and finally spreading the word about it outside my followers on Mastodon! I was hoping to have my new logo this month but it’s been delayed a bit. We now gather information aboutContinue reading “December updates to TARDIS Guide”

November updates to TARDIS Guide

This month we had new Doctor Who on TV!!! So exciting! We also had a boost to the number of members this month as somebody posted a link on Reddit.. welcome new members! Here’s what I’ve been working on this month: I’ve added all the Minisodes to the site – full transcripts for some ofContinue reading “November updates to TARDIS Guide”

Link your writing and podcasts to stories on TARDIS Guide!

I have been thinking long and hard about how to incorporate people’s reviews of stories – I considered allowing people to write reviews on the site but it doesn’t sit that well with me. It would be adding centralisation, and isn’t in the true spirit of the web! So I’ve started building something better –Continue reading “Link your writing and podcasts to stories on TARDIS Guide!”

October updates to TARDIS Guide

Another big milestone this month, as I switch focus from adding content to adding features! ❤️❤️➕📚 I’ve added loads more books – 588 to be precise! That’s all the Target, Virgin, BBC Past Doctors, BBC Eighth Doctor, and BBC New Series Adventures, plus more including Puffin Classic crossovers. I don’t think I’ve got every fictionContinue reading “October updates to TARDIS Guide”

September Updates to TARDIS Guide

I’ve been on holiday for most of September, but I still managed to sneak in a few updates to the site, including one big milestone… ❤️❤️➕🎧 I’ve finally finished adding every Big Finish Audio ever to the site! You can now browse them all, mark which ones you own or have completed, and rate stories!Continue reading “September Updates to TARDIS Guide”

August updates to TARDIS Guide

It’s been another big month for content & features on the site – I’m fast approaching finishing adding every Doctor Who story ever!! Content Updates Recap of things I’ve previously posted here: After a request from a user I prioritised adding all of Unbound and The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield audios – done! PlusContinue reading “August updates to TARDIS Guide”

What is the point of this website?

Well, I started working on it before did a very similar thing – the ability to filter stories by Doctor and Season. Except on TARDIS Guide you can filter by companion, by monster, by story type, by writer, director, show runner, the story arc, and more! I just love filtering and seeing tropes andContinue reading “What is the point of this website?”

Welcome to TARDIS.Guide!

This is a work in progress website which will soon™️ contain info about every single episode of #DoctorWho which can be searched, filtered, examined and explored! Find episodes containing certain characters, places, times and spaces. Episodes with The Master and Cybermen? A quick filter (there’s so many!) I will be following likeminded fans and postingContinue reading “Welcome to TARDIS.Guide!”