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Achievements are here

You can now unlock achievements by rating certain groups of stories – all the stories by one doctor, or featuring a main villain, and more!

There is a list of the locked achievements in your profile so you know what to aim for, and also a super secret list of hidden achievements which you have to discover for yourself!

Reach out if you’d like an account to have a go! Beta testers get the special “Beta tester” achievement!

Get rating!

Sneak Preview

Here’s a sneak preview of a feature coming soon to the website – login, mark stories as ‘completed’, save your favourites and rate the stories!

It will feature all the TV episodes as well as books and audio dramas. A place to keep a log of all the Doctor Who stories you have enjoyed.

You’ll also get an account page which will include stats like your most-favourited Doctors, and highest rated seasons.

Let me know if you’d like to be first to get an account when it’s available! Also if you have any ideas for features, just let me know!

The Original, you might say!

All of the First Doctor’s episodes have now been added to the TARDIS Guide database – read about the episodes, filter them by companion, monster, setting, trope, and more!

Each one has a link to watch it on BritBox.

It’s a work in progress, getting better all the time!

Let me know if you’d like to contribute extra info about any of the episodes!

Doctor Who Day 2022

Today is #DoctorWhoDay, the 59th anniversary of the greatest show in the universe!

I can think of nothing better to say about this show and how it has affected me than to quote Steven Moffat:

“When they made this particular hero, they didn’t give him a gun, they gave him a screwdriver to fix things. They didn’t give him a tank or a warship or an X-wing fighter, they gave him a call box from which you can call for help. And they didn’t give him a superpower or pointy ears or a heat ray, they gave him an extra heart. They gave him two hearts. And that’s an extraordinary thing; there will never come a time when we don’t need a hero like the Doctor.”

What does #DoctorWho mean to you?

For me personally this show has been my obsession ever since I first watched it when it returned in 2005. Since then I have watched every episode that ever aired, in order. Even the missing ones (I watched reconstructions).

I’ve read many books (fiction and non-fiction), listened to amazing Big Finish audio adventures, bought toys, been to see The Doctor Who Experience and some live theatre productions. I tried to see Time Fracture but it got cancelled on me twice, once due to flooding and once because they finished it early.

I have re-watched modern who, and all it’s spin offs, more times than I can count. I can remember many episodes word for word.

I’m not saying I’m the most dedicated fan, or the most knowledgeable, this isn’t a brag but just to say that this show is my life.

Thank you to everyone involved with the show, for creating such a masterpiece, and may it continue forever and ever ❤️❤️

Torchwood: outside the government, beyond the police

I’ve finished uploading info about every episode of Torchwood to TARDIS Guide!

You can filter them all, find specific characters and monsters, and they all contain links to watch on iPlayer.

Please take a look and let me know if there are any issues!

Because the twenty-first century is when everything changes. And you gotta be ready.

What is the point of this website?

Well, I started working on it before did a very similar thing – the ability to filter stories by Doctor and Season.

Except on TARDIS Guide you can filter by companion, by monster, by story type, by writer, director, show runner, the story arc, and more!

I just love filtering and seeing tropes and repeated themes in Doctor Who!

Hoping to have all of NuWho uploaded soon, then working on the Classic episodes, then perhaps the audios and beyond ✨

Welcome to TARDIS.Guide!

This is a work in progress website which will soon™️ contain info about every single episode of #DoctorWho which can be searched, filtered, examined and explored!

Find episodes containing certain characters, places, times and spaces.

Episodes with The Master and Cybermen? A quick filter (there’s so many!)

I will be following likeminded fans and posting pictures and polls on Mastodon. Join us! ❤️