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Doctor Who Magazine Comics


Average. Rating: 42%
Average rating: ★ 3.18
Complete Completed?

Doctor Who Magazine Comics


Average. Rating: 39%
Average rating: ★ 3.03
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Doctor Who Magazine Comics

Liberation of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 54%
Average rating: ★ 3.42
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TV Century 21

18. Deadline to Doomsday

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The Minister of Chance

5. In a Barque on the River Hex

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IDW Comics

Bazaar Adventures

Average. Rating: 71%
Average rating: ★ 3.77
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The Minister of Chance

3. Paludin Fields

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The Minister of Chance

2. The Forest Shakes

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Battles in Time

70. The End

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Battles in Time

69. The House at the End of the World

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Battles in Time

68. The Rebirth of Corah

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Battles in Time

67. The Guardians of Terror

Complete Completed?

Battles in Time

66. The King of Earth

Complete Completed?

Battles in Time

65. The Day the Earth was Sold

Complete Completed?

Battles in Time

64. Dark Side of the Moon

Complete Completed?

Battles in Time

63. About Last Night

Complete Completed?

Battles in Time

62. Metal Mania

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Battles in Time

61. Da Vinci’s Robots

Complete Completed?

Battles in Time

60. Extermination of the Daleks

Complete Completed?

Battles in Time

59. The Living Ghosts

Complete Completed?

Battles in Time

58. Flight and Fury

Complete Completed?

Battles in Time

57. Carnage Zoo

Complete Completed?

Battles in Time

56. The Battle for Time

Complete Completed?

Battles in Time

55. Ghosts from the Past

Complete Completed?