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The Companion Chronicles: The Second Doctor Volume 3

4. The Deepest Tragedian

Average. Rating: 56%

The Companion Chronicles: The Second Doctor Volume 3

3. The Prints of Denmark

Average. Rating: 68%

The Early Adventures S6

2. Daughter of the Gods

Average. Rating: 85%

The Companion Chronicles: The Second Doctor Volume 2

4. The Tactics of Defeat

Average. Rating: 62%

The Companion Chronicles: The Second Doctor Volume 2

3. The Iron Maid

Average. Rating: 54%

The Early Adventures S4

4. The Wreck of the World

Average. Rating: 70%

Short Trips

8. The British Invasion

Average. Rating: 55%

The Companion Chronicles: The Second Doctor Volume 1

3. The Integral

Average. Rating: 51%

The Early Adventures S2

4. The Isos Network

Average. Rating: 59%

The Companion Chronicles S8

12. Second Chances

Average. Rating: 77%

The Companion Chronicles S8

6. The Dying Light

Average. Rating: 61%

The Companion Chronicles S7

11. The Apocalypse Mirror

Average. Rating: 61%

The Companion Chronicles S7

2. The Uncertainty Principle

Average. Rating: 61%

The Companion Chronicles S6

3. The Memory Cheats

Average. Rating: 67%

The Companion Chronicles S5

2. Echoes of Grey

Average. Rating: 63%

The Companion Chronicles S1

2. Fear of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 54%