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The Dream Team

Meanwhile, Turlough

Average. Rating: 46%

The Phaser Aliens & Other Stories

The Time Savers

The Audio Novels

The Chaos Cascade

Average. Rating: 72%

Target Collection

The Zygon Invasion

Average. Rating: 71%

BBC Audio Originals

The Teeth of Ice

Average. Rating: 51%

Subscriber Short Trips

4. Gobbledegook

Average. Rating: 48%

Short Trips Volume 12

3. The Three Flames

Average. Rating: 41%

BBC Audio Originals

The Code of Flesh

Average. Rating: 61%

The Audio Novels

3. Emancipation of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 67%

Short Trips Volume 11

1. Rearguard

Average. Rating: 66%

Subscriber Short Trips

1. I, Kamelion

Average. Rating: 61%

BBC Audio Originals

The Nightmare Realm

Average. Rating: 64%

BBC Audio Originals

The Scent of Blood

Average. Rating: 63%

BBC New Series Adventures

Rhythm of Destruction

Average. Rating: 60%

BBC New Series Adventures

The Lost Magic

Average. Rating: 61%

Strax Field Reports • Episode 9

9. The Doctor has Regenerated!

Average. Rating: 21%

Strax Field Reports • Episode 8

8. A Sontaran’s View of Christmas

Average. Rating: 19%

Strax Field Reports • Episode 7

7. The Doctors

Average. Rating: 33%

Strax Field Reports • Episode 6

6. Queen Elizabeth

Average. Rating: 17%

Strax Field Reports • Episode 5

5. The Zygons

Average. Rating: 23%

Strax Field Reports • Episode 4

4. The Doctor’s Greatest Secret

Average. Rating: 21%

Strax Field Reports • Episode 3

3. A Glorious Day

Average. Rating: 19%

Strax Field Reports • Episode 2

2. The Name of the Doctor

Average. Rating: 18%

Strax Field Reports • Episode 1

1. Doctor at Trafalgar Square

Average. Rating: 19%