Posted byTARDIS guide adminNovember 23, 2023November 23, 2023Posted inUncategorized I have been thinking long and hard about how to incorporate people’s reviews of stories – I considered allowing people to write reviews on the site but it doesn’t sit that well with me. It would be adding centralisation, and isn’t in the true spirit of the web! So I’ve started building something better – verified members can now add links to their own website, blog, or podcast episode against each story on my site! This will eventually create an index of all writings and discussions on episodes by the show’s greatest fans, and they won’t be limited by how I build this site. So go ahead and sign up, get verified, and submit your links on each story page! There may be a delay while I moderate them. And I have many future features planned such as listing all of a person’s links on their profile, and lists of links per website as well. Watch this space!