Posted byTARDIS guide adminOctober 29, 2023October 29, 2023Posted inUncategorized Another big milestone this month, as I switch focus from adding content to adding features! ❤️❤️➕📚 I’ve added loads more books – 588 to be precise! That’s all the Target, Virgin, BBC Past Doctors, BBC Eighth Doctor, and BBC New Series Adventures, plus more including Puffin Classic crossovers. I don’t think I’ve got every fiction Doctor Who book on the site yet, there are still more yet to be added, but I’ve made a huge dent. Let me know if there are any missing that you need me to add! Members Page I’ve added a new Members Page, which allows you to filter and sort members, as well as follow them directly from the list. The follow feature allows you to see their updates straight on your homepage, and more integration with this coming soon! Big Quotes update I’ve added loads more quotes, and started adding images for them too now, which makes them much more engaging. New Share Buttons I’ve added Share Buttons to all stories, which allow you to easily share with your friends! New Features in progres I’ve made some good progress on both the Randomiser and the Compare Stories features, which I’m hoping will release in November! These should both make the site more useful and encourage people to share with friends. That’s it for now – more to come soon! Next month is a huge month for Doctor Who fans as it comes back on our screens, so I’m hoping to make some big progress and publicise the site!