Posted byTARDIS guide adminSeptember 30, 2023September 30, 2023Posted inUncategorized I’ve been on holiday for most of September, but I still managed to sneak in a few updates to the site, including one big milestone… ❤️❤️➕🎧 I’ve finally finished adding every Big Finish Audio ever to the site! You can now browse them all, mark which ones you own or have completed, and rate stories! Of course there are new releases added all the time, which I add as soon as I can, so it is ever-growing. And I still need to listen to them all so I can properly analyse the content and add tropes and other details. But It’s a huge milestone!! New Rating Algorithm I wasn’t happy with how stories were sorting when you chose “sort by Highest rated”. Stories with around 10 perfect score votes would show higher than stories with hundreds of votes but not quite perfect. I’ve added a new algorithm to fix this, so the number of votes is now taken into consideration! New Onboarding Screen I’ve added a new “welcome” onboarding screen for new users, just to explain a little about the site. It’s not perfect and I’ll iterate on it more, but it is a good start! Reviews from other sites My site is small and I don’t have a lot of users yet, so how do I get so many reviews? I source them from other websites, and now I’ve added a couple more – GoodReads and! Minisodes: work in progress I’m currently adding the minisodes – think Comic Relief, or DVD exclusive extras. I’m writing my own transcripts of them which means they take a while, but it’s a lot of fun. That’s it! Here’s to a more productive October, as I get closer and closer to the show coming back, when I will be doing some promotion for the site! ✨