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August updates to TARDIS Guide

It’s been another big month for content & features on the site – I’m fast approaching finishing adding every Doctor Who story ever!!

Content Updates

Recap of things I’ve previously posted here: After a request from a user I prioritised adding all of Unbound and The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield audios – done! Plus I added Jago & Litefoot & The Lost Stories

I then stopped posting each update as they were fairly minor (and actually I forgot to post about Short Trips) but here they are:

I added all of the Short Trips including rarities & Subscriber Short Trips. These are really great short audio book stories, narrated by a familiar actor. Check them out!

Added all of The Companion Chronicles. More audio books, narrated by Companion actors. Then a detour into some of the Worlds of Doctor Who as I added every story of Cyberman and Dalek Empire. I also added all the Audio Novels and Gallifrey, then I added lots of smaller, lesser-known series like Vienna, Graceless, The Robots. I added all of UNIT and Counter-Measures (old and new), if you like that kind of action-adventure!

I added every TV episode of K9! Love that little guy. The TV series, not so much.

Books! I added all of the Doctor Who Virgin New Adventures books! (With a big help from beqowl who put together a spreadsheet for me).

DVDs and BluRays! I added them all!

Feature Updates

I added a way to support development of the site which will be a blog post of its own. I also added Trakt.TV Integration so we have way more ratings on TV episodes!

The Tools page was added, along with my first tool – Bulk Complete Stories! This is great for people joining the site who have seen loads of Who and don’t want to wear their clicking fingers out. I’m going to integrate it into a new “welcome flow” soon.

A new feature for DVD and BluRay fans – you can now select which ones you own, and the page Stories I Own will gather together the stories contained in there. Great if you’re hunting for an episode to watch from on of your box sets (and it will soon integrate well with the Randomiser and Compare tools…)

I also started adding entries for every individual episode of Classic Who serials. This allows me to show the missing episodes on a story. I will soon also integrate a full description of the plot of every episode, but that comes later!

Profile pages have had a lovely visual refresh, and you can now share your stories lists with other people easily – great for showing people your favourite episodes or the ones you haven’t seen yet! This will integrate with the Compare tool soon!

I added some content to the Roadmap page, although this is outdated now as I’ve already thought of loads more features!

There were lots of other small updates which I either posted about on Mastodon on my Developer account (follow me there for develpment updates!) or didn’t, because I forgot!

Wow that’s a lot of updates!

What’s next?

I’m going to try and do as many updates as I can before I go on a 2 week break in September. After that, it’s a big sprint to get everything done before the 60th Anniversary šŸ˜†

See you in Time and Space!

The Lost Stories are here to complete & rate!

Big Finish have delved into the archives to unearth lost classics. Their names used to be whispered with reverence in fan circles and now you can hear them in full-cast dramas or as enhanced dramatic readings with multiple cast members.

The Lost Stories… found at last by Big Finish! And now at TARDIS Guide so you can mark them as completed, rate them, and add your favourites!

Jago & Litefoot are here to investigate!

First seen on tv in theĀ Doctor WhoĀ serialĀ The Talons of Weng-ChiangĀ in 1977, Henry Gordon Jago and Professor George Litefoot now embark on brand new adventures as Infernal Investigators, solving mysteries involving paranormal and supernatural phenomena in Victorian London, with assistance from barmaid Ellie Higson and the dependable Sergeant Quick.

All of Jago & Litefoot’s stories are now on TARDIS Guide!

Unbound and The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield are here!

Take a trip to the Unbound Universe, a parallel world where the Doctor made different choices, and he may even be unrecognisable to you…

Here you may also meet Bernice Summerfield – a noted archaeologist from the 26th century who has previous with The Doctor.

Go ahead and mark which ones you’ve listened to, rate them, and choose your favourites!