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July Updates to

July has been a big month for, as I keep adding new content and features, getting ready for the big launch…

Content Updates

I completed adding all of Torchwood, and all of the Big Finish Monthly Range to the site. That was a big task, it feels good to have that in the back mirror!

I’m currently adding Short Trips, probably the last big chunk of mainline audio Who missing from the site – other series I have yet to add are all spinoffs and not as popular.

I also added all the Target Novelisations – meaning Books is now a fully fledged part of the site! I have to add Virgin New Adventures (which a friend is working on for me currently) and BBC books yet, but it’s a start.

On top of this, I’ve added every Big Finish audio drama to be released this month – they are added as soon as they are released (time permitting).

Features Updates

I also added some new features to the site – the biggest one being the “Your Next Story” page and feature on the homepage. This makes it a lot easier to quickly go in and rate the next story in line as you progress through the content.

I’ve also begun work behind the scenes on what I’m calling The Recommendation Engine – it will surface and recommend stories to you based on those you’ve rated, or based on other popular stories. It’s a work in progress!

The Quotes page got some love, as you’re now able to “favourite” quotes, and these will show up on your profile page. This still needs a redesign, and I still need to add loads of quotes, but like everything on the site, it’s a work in progress!

A note about Mastodon

I decided to repurpose the account @shauny to use for my personal account, so the main account for TARDIS Guide stuff and Doctor Who fan posts is going to be @[email protected]

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you have any feature requests or ideas 😊

50 Years of Target Novelisations!

For many fans, the Target Novelisation was the only way to experience some of Classic Who, as they weren’t repeated. Target went on to novelise almost every Classic story, and are now adding NuWho stories to their ranks!

I’ve added every Target Novelisation to my site – you can rate them, add your favourites, and add the ones you want to read to a list!

Which story are you going to read next?

Target Novelisations

The Monthly Adventures are all here!

The Monthly Adventures (or “Monthly Range” / “Main Range”) of Big Finish audios ran from 1999-2021, and featured audio adventures with the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Doctors.

Whether you were a subscriber or just dipped in and out for your favourite stories, this was a source of 333 Doctor Who stories!

They are now all on so you can find your favourites, mark them as completed, and rate them too!

More coming soon!

Explore the Monthly Adventures