I’ve just finished adding every New Series Big Finish story, including those from The Worlds of Doctor Who, onto TARDIS Guide so you can keep track of the stories you’ve listened to, rate them, search for new stories to try, sort by ratings, Doctors, characters, and save to a wishlist!
Here are just some of the new categories:
- Class
- Classic Doctors, New Monsters
- Dalek Universe
- Destiny of the Doctor
- Donna Noble: Kidnapped!
- Jenny – The Doctor’s Daughter
- Lady Christina
- Master!
- Masterful
- Missy
- Out of Time
- Sarah Jane Smith
- Stranded
- Susan’s War
- Tales from New Earth
- The Churchill Years
- The Diary of River Song
- The Dimension Cannon (Rose Tyler)
- The Doctor Chronicles
- The Eighth of March
- The Lives of Captain Jack
- The Lone Centurion
- The Ninth Doctor Adventures
- The Paternoster Gang: Heritage
- The Tenth Doctor Adventures
- The War Doctor
- The War Doctor Begins
- The War Master
- The Worlds of Doctor Who
- The Year of Martha Jones
- Time Lord Victorious
- UNIT: The New Series
Phew! That’s a lot! There’s more to come though 😊
I will be updating the menu at the top soon because there is so much more than I can currently fit!!