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The Eighth Doctor’s Audio Adventures are all here

Dark Eyes • Doom Coalition • Time War • Ravenous • Stranded • Charlotte Pollard • What Lies Inside? • Connections

Some of the highest-rated Big Finish audios ever, these Eighth Doctor series are incredible.

They are now all listed on TARDIS Guide, so you can keep track of your progress, rate them, save favourites, and find more connections with other episodes.

More to follow…

The Eighth Doctor Adventures

New features – Transcripts and Quotes!

Every TV episode now has a full transcript, so you can see who said what, and when.

And I’ve added in some of my favourite quotes, which can currently be seen by looking at the story page, but I’ll soon be adding a way to view quotes by character, and a “quote of the day” feature.

Have a look around, here are some sample transcripts and quotes to enjoy!

Series 1, episode 1: Rose
Series 4, episode 10: Midnight
Season 17, serial 2: City of Death

(And it’s not just Doctor Who – every televised episode of Torchwood, Class, and The Sarah Jane Adventures are transcribed too!)

A huge collection of Big Finish stories are now on TARDIS Guide!

I’ve just finished adding every New Series Big Finish story, including those from The Worlds of Doctor Who, onto TARDIS Guide so you can keep track of the stories you’ve listened to, rate them, search for new stories to try, sort by ratings, Doctors, characters, and save to a wishlist!

Here are just some of the new categories:

Phew! That’s a lot! There’s more to come though 😊

I will be updating the menu at the top soon because there is so much more than I can currently fit!!