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Every Fourth Doctor story is now on TARDIS Guide!

Fourth Doctor Stories will be connected to the Fediverse!

I’ve got it working, will be connected to the Fediverse, meaning that when you complete, rate, and favourite stories, add them to your “save for later” list, and earn achievements, it will be posted to Mastodon!

Then you can boost (or soon, quote-boost) the post to your followers and they will be able to click it and see what you’ve been up to.

I’m excited to get this launched soon, once I’ve finished adding all the Classic TV stories!

A very rough example of a post created by the site!

A new homepage!

It had to happen at some point, I finally worked on the homepage 😅

It can’t just be the “stories” page, because landing on that page would be confusing! So I’ve made a *very work in progress* front page to explain what this site is all about.

It’s not perfect, it needs improving. Need to add images. I wasn’t sure whether to do it in first-person, or maybe in the style of The Doctor (I had this whole script about how the TARDIS memory banks were wiped out by Daleks, and were being rebuilt…)

Anyway, enjoy! We’re getting closer and closer to full release..!

View the wonderful homepage

The Eighth Doctor will see you now!

With The TV Movie now added, the Eighth Doctor’s 3 TV appearances are on TARDIS guide now.

Oh how I wish he had more episodes! But soon when I start adding Big Finish audio dramas there’s going to be a LOT more of the Eighth Doctor to explore!

Eighth Doctor stories

“Reverse the Polarity!”

The Third Doctor’s TV stories are all added to TARDIS Guide!

From Spearhead in Space to Planet of the Spiders, every Third Doctor TV story is now here, ready for you to mark them as watched and rate them.

What was your favourite Third Doctor story?

Third Doctor Stories

Achievements are here

You can now unlock achievements by rating certain groups of stories – all the stories by one doctor, or featuring a main villain, and more!

There is a list of the locked achievements in your profile so you know what to aim for, and also a super secret list of hidden achievements which you have to discover for yourself!

Reach out if you’d like an account to have a go! Beta testers get the special “Beta tester” achievement!

Get rating!

The Second Doctor’s stories are here!

I’ve just finished adding in all of the Second Doctor’s TV stories, from seasons 4, 5, and 6!

Take a look – you can search and filter them, and now login to track, rate, and mark your favourites!

If you’d like a login to the beta, please get in touch!

Second Doctor Stories

Sneak Preview

Here’s a sneak preview of a feature coming soon to the website – login, mark stories as ‘completed’, save your favourites and rate the stories!

It will feature all the TV episodes as well as books and audio dramas. A place to keep a log of all the Doctor Who stories you have enjoyed.

You’ll also get an account page which will include stats like your most-favourited Doctors, and highest rated seasons.

Let me know if you’d like to be first to get an account when it’s available! Also if you have any ideas for features, just let me know!

The Original, you might say!

All of the First Doctor’s episodes have now been added to the TARDIS Guide database – read about the episodes, filter them by companion, monster, setting, trope, and more!

Each one has a link to watch it on BritBox.

It’s a work in progress, getting better all the time!

Let me know if you’d like to contribute extra info about any of the episodes!