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Review of Which Switch? by DontBlink

5 November 2024

DWA COMICS: STORY 1 (Tenth Doctor: Story 1)

Ah, Doctor Who Adventures. The magazine for young readers that ran from 2006 to 2017, with a special Thirteenth Doctor issue in 2019. The most memorable aspect of these magazines were the regular comic strips, often bizarre, very short, and had little to no consequence on the readers or characters.

The first comic was Which Switch? by Michael Stevens. Of course, for these reviews, I will have to take into account the aspect that these strips were intended for, essentially, children.

But sadly, Which Switch? isn't even a good comic for children. They would want a story that feels more like what they enjoy seeing on television, not comics that feel like a Planet of Giants knock-off, minus a good plot.

Believe it or not, young readers want quality material. This comic fails to deliver.


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