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Review of A Girl’s Best Friend by DontBlink

18 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!


It’s impossible to talk about A Girl’s Best Friend, the pilot for the (never continued) spin-off K-9 and Company, without mentioning that intro.

It’s so stupid, and I love it.

In fact, that last sentence could also be applied to the whole episode.

It’s so bonkers, with one of the strangest plots in the Whoniverse.

Sarah Jane and her cousin Brendan, with the help of K-9, must stop a cult from... I actually don’t really know what the story was about, as a lot was annoyingly left unexplained.

The most unforgettable part of the episode for me is the finale, where K-9 slaughters everyone in the cult, and no one cares!

This is one of the weirdest stories in the world of Doctor Who, and, while it will definitely not be to everyone’s taste, I love it because of how strange it (unintentionally) is.

I do like to wonder what it would be like if the series actually went ahead, but I think that would just be too much, even for me.

Oh well, we’ll always have Australia’s K-9 series.


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